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2 réponses à « Salomon »

  1. Hi Marie, Miche! Wow ­ that was wonderful to see you guys again, albeit a few years earlier than the present. It is great to see beautiful Neubi and Nali, and seeing this makes me so wish that we were all together again. I would love to hear how you are, where you are and what your plans are. We will reunite with Atea sometime between October and December and it would be great to find a way to travel again. What are your plans for 2015??? I keep checking your blog for updates to see what you have been up ­ hope you have connection and some time to fill me in on the past few months. A kiss to all for me and hope to get news soon.

    As for us, we are in Auckland and all are well. Braca is such a character and brings endless humor to our days, and Ayla is growing big and strong and is a healthy, happy little girl. So easy too ­ I thought Braca was an easy infant and Ayla is even easier. We’ve both had family visit when we first arrived and now things are settling in. Wish their was more to report but our news at the moment is all rather dull. We are good and happy though, and it is good to catch up with friends.

    We miss you dearly. All our love,

    Kia michelsurilo posted: «  »


  2. Avatar de Guilhem Vidal
    Guilhem Vidal

    Merci !

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